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WATS Getting Started Guide

Everything you need to know to get started with WATS.

How to Navigate WATS

Before we get started, here are some useful tips that will always help.

Search Bar
WATS Alvea


Pro Tip: Copy & Paste a selection to avoid manually typing

Organizing Data

Sorting and Grouping
UUT Report

Process Heatmap

Process Heatmap is an all-in-one matrix view, displaying key insights
for all product/process combinations, helping you identify areas of interest
to start root cause analysis. This is the recommended place to start for
most analysis purposes.

psst… for better viewing, click the fullscreen button in the top-right
corner of a lesson.

What is WATS Process Heatmap
Create a Process Heatmap

Introduction to Analysis in WATS

In this lesson you can explore various ways of doing analysis in WATS,
including Dynamic Yield, Unit Flow, Test step analysis and more…

WATS Essentials: Root Cause Analysis