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Tools and Features powered with AI

WATS Test Data Management includes all the tools and manufacturing intelligence you need to have complete control over your test and repair data, enabling you to speed up root cause analysis and identify problems. WATS Alvea is our AI technology used to carry out root cause analysis and analyze data on its own. It saves you time and helps you uncover insights effortlessly.

Automated test data collection

Process Heatmap

The Process Heatmap is one of our groundbreaking features in WATS and part of our Manufacturing Insights. This feature is a central place for starting root cause analysis, offering a more intuitive and efficient way to manage your manufacturing test data. Read more.

WATS manufacturing intelligence system

Test Data Analytics

Quickly and easily break down True First Pass Yield from a global level into more granular statistics for different products, revisions, test stations, periods, processes, rolled throughput, and actual failing test steps. Read more.

Illustration for WATS Ticketing system. A man with tickets in his hand.


With WATS, you can quickly combine existing data components into public or private dashboards. Dashboards that display important Key Performance Indicators for electronics manufacturing and instantly inform you of potentially severe trends in your factory. Read more.

top down approach

Root Cause Ticketing System

The Root Cause Ticketing System seamlessly integrates with the WATS Reporting tool. Our Ticketing System supports the 8D Problem solving model used for process improvement. WATS offers multiple methods for creating tickets in the module. Read more.

Illustration of a man with tickets

Repair Interface and Analytics

WATS features detailed Repair Interface and Analytics that lets you capture structured repair reports and image attachments and other relevant human-readable comments. You can quickly get repair and failure-type statistics for parameters. Scan your Barcodes directly! The Repair Operator Interface allows you to connect directly to accessories such as barcode scanners and cameras. Read more.

WATS repair interface and analytics

Alarms and Notifications

Be alerted of unwanted scenarios with the Alarms and Notifications Section in WATS. With this feature you can configure a wide range of alarms and notifications relevant to your business. You have access to the 1,000 most recent triggered alarms and notification rules. Read more.

Illustration: Events and alarming

Software Distribution

Quickly design modular and highly granular software packages, and centralise the automated distribution of these based on the product parameters and location of the products currently being tested. Read more.

WATS software distribution

MAC and Serial Number Distribution

Keeping track of Serial Numbers and MAC Addresses can be a pain. WATS helps you streamline this process and ensure that you never erroneously assign one identifier to multiple units. Read more.

Barcode distribution

Asset Management

With our Asset Manager you can keep track of the maintenance and calibration status of your Test Assets. You can easily define Test Assets, with all of their sub-components and maintenance intervals, and use WATS to report the overall health status of your Assets or export the information through an API to a top-level maintenance tracking system. Read more.


Track and manage your test assets

Manual Inspection

The Manual Inspection Module in WATS features a sequence builder where you can graphically design the test flow, along with a web interface that takes the test operator through all the necessary steps. Read more.

Manual inspection

Enterprise Connection Tool

The WATS Enterprise Connection Tool enables seamless synchronization and data sharing across multiple WATS accounts. Integrated into the WATS control panel, this tool eliminates the need for additional software to share your WATS data.  Read more.

Illustration of WATS Enterprise Connection Tool

More Features

User Access Management

To get total value from your test data, you must be able to collect data from your entire relevant value chain. And that you can use the data to collaborate with your suppliers. But that should not mean that you have to give outsiders and subcontractors access to data that does not originate from them. With WATS, you can easily specify user access based on the origin of the data or based on the product group the data belongs to.

Product Management

The Product Manager in WATS lets you define important contextual information such as product names, bill-of-materials, box-build configurations, and the creation of virtual product groups that you can use for easier data reporting and user access management.

Gage RnR

Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility (Gage RnR) is a method used to determine the amount of variation in the measurement data due to the measurement system itself, either from the equipment (repeatability) or operator (reproducibility).

Export Wizard and Certificate Generator

The Export Wizard in WATS lets you mass-export your test data, should you need to. It also allows you to generate PDF test certificates to supplement your product deliveries when you need proof-of-test documentation.


The WATS RestAPI provides you with flexible and powerful two-way integration with third-party solutions such as ERP systems, MES systems, PLM software, dashboard and business intelligence solutions, and more.

Unit Verification Check 

Avoid the risk of sending out products that have not been properly tested, with the Unit Verification Check feature in WATS. Specify the relevant test processes for your different part-number groups. WATS will tell you if the product you are looking at has been tested in all processes, if they happened in the correct order, and if they all passed within a reasonable number of attempts. 

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Would you like to evaluate better the performance and economical return of your test stations? WATS give you easy access to OEE calculations that combines availability scores, output performance and quality metrics. OEE is by many considered a gold standard in manufacturing. An OEE score of 100% means that you manufacture good parts as fast as intended and with full asset utilization. 

Time Analysis 

Do you want to know how much time you spend executing your different tests? How much time do you spend connecting your products to the test system? Or how long each of the individual test steps consumes. This, together with time analysis for repair, are readily available in WATS.

Work-in-Progress (WIP) Tracking 

WATS features functionality that easily lets you report the manufacturing process your individual units are. You define your different WIP stages in the configuration menu and add a check-in function to your test sequencer or custom scanner application. You can then visually report how many units are in the different stages and track the more detailed status of specific serial numbers.