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Be Alert to Unwanted Scenarios

In the Alarms and Notifications section of WATS, you can configure a wide range of alarms and warnings. From your desktop or mobile phone, you have access to the 1,000 most recent triggered alarms and notification rules.

Receive a notification whenever a unit is retested more than five times, or get an alarm if the yield at a specific factory drops by 3% in less than two hours. The Alarms and Notifications section is flexible, allowing you to configure the most relevant triggers for your business.

Soft approach

You can configure a wide range of alarms and warnings. It allows for a soft approach to factory management, where you are explicitly made aware of undesired scenarios so that you then can determine the best remedy.

Alarms in the WATS App

Alarms and Notifications can be accessed from the More menu, and shows a list of the 1000 most recent triggered Alarms and Notifications rules. The items in the lists show the rule name, serial number, part number, test operation, and product name of the report that caused the rule to trigger, as well as the UTC date of when the rule was triggered.

Alarms in the WATS app
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