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Who we are

At Virinco, we are the experts for test data management, partnering with high-tech giants and innovative startups to revolutionize testing and manufacturing with our product WATS.

Our goal is to empower our clients to launch better products and services, faster and more cost-effectively, helping them be competitive using test data.

Our clients range from small disruptors and government entities to prestigious Fortune 500 companies – all benefiting from WATS’ commitment to excellence.

Since 2003, our groundbreaking Test Data Management solution has helped thousands of global users and has now processed more than 91 billion data points.

WATS helps you put all of your Manufacturing and RMA Test and Repair Data to work, allowing for an unrivaled ability to transform your data into actionable insight through statistical and qualitative analysis.

Join the ranks of leading manufacturers and experience the WATS difference today!

More about Virinco

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