Audio devices have to be manufactured to the highest standards to help consumer brands maintain their reputation of delivering top-level audio quality in products that will be in people’s homes for many years. This means manufacturing to rigorous standards and having a testing regime that matches the output quality required.
WATS boosts product profit by improving processes
WATS contains detailed information on any failure that occurs during the entire product lifecycle. You can use statistical analysis to better understand the failures that are damaging your company’s reputation and bottom line. You can also include repair and RMA information, making it the ultimate tool to understand the relationship between a verified field failure and potential symptoms visible during manufacturing tests. That means a negative customer experience can be converted into improved quality assurance. WATS also features Process Capability Analysis, well suited to evaluate how well your test coverage limits are actually delivering.

Better Manufacturing Intelligence
WATS enables the flow of delivery-critical data related to manufacturing and field failures. By ensuring that data from testing, repair, and RMA is given to test teams, WATS empowers continuous improvement in a manufacturing setting. It is the perfect example of how companies making an audio device can add software technologies for digitization and industrial IoT on top of their core processes to improve product quality.
Read about the WATS top-down approach to quality management.
”From a quality perspective, the thing I love about WATS is that it's live. I can see everything. I’ve been working at Linn for nearly 30 years, and I don’t ever remember a time before WATS when test information has been so accessible, clear, and customizable.
Matthew RandsQuality Engineering Lead, Linn

Product traceability anywhere
When a product is finished, the data that WATS brings together completely tells the story of how that product was manufactured. This is helpful at launch, but so much more helpful as time goes on, and you need to trace field failures to root causes. Use WATS to cut down on warranty claims, and improve buyer confidence.
Better control of your manufacturing and supply chain
WATS helps collect data from any factory in your supply chain. This enables you to optimize every point of manufacture that goes into sending a product out to market, and cut down on issues. Poor control of test software versions or unit firmware by subcontractors can lead to expensive reworks or repairs, not to mention the impact on your brand. With WATS, all of these problems are effectively managed by standard off-the-shelf functionality.