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WATS Process Heatmap – The Starting Point For Great Root Cause Analysis

Picture of the Process Heatmap in WATS Test Data Management

Since its launch, the Process Heatmap has helped numerous users tackle root cause analysis more easily. Now a fully integrated part of WATS, Process Heatmap gives every WATS user the power to understand manufacturing test data faster than ever – delivering them greater insight and more opportunities for improvement. Sound like it could help you? Read on.

A Comprehensive View of Testing

With Process Heatmap, WATS brings together product-specific data and traditional yield information, offering immediate access to a useful level of detail as soon as you start navigating the system. As a user, you can see products listed alongside their yield data and follow the unique testing flows for each product. This integration allows you to monitor product movement through testing phases, providing a broader, more holistic view of your production and testing environment. This perspective means you can tailor your analysis to specific needs, giving you insights that are directly applicable to the products you need to focus on and the work your business will benefit from the most. The ability to customize views and data presentation also means you have the information you need at your fingertips, in a way that also works best for you and your team.

Diving Deeper into Quality Data

The Process Heatmap brings together a vast amount of data, allowing for a broader view of testing. However, it’s truly designed to provide a quick but detailed view of your quality data. You can focus on any element that appears out of the ordinary, such as unexpected pass/fail rates or yield anomalies. This ability to zoom into specific data points means root causes can be quickly found, and potential issues resolved before they escalate. Our development team has prioritized the feature based on user feedback, which means it meets the real-world needs of users like you. By highlighting areas that require attention, Heatmap helps you focus on the critical aspects of your operations, maximizing both product quality and manufacturing efficiency.

Want to see how it works? Watch our recorded webinar on WATS Process Heatmap

Steps Towards Smarter Testing

As WATS grows and evolves, so does our ability to provide cutting-edge tools that meet your needs. The Process Heatmap gives our users immediate testing and production issue alerts with potential root causes in real-time – a genuine value add for any testing team.

More info about the WATS Process Heatmap