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Track and Manage your Test Assets

With our Test Asset Manager you can keep track of the maintenance and calibration status of your Test Assets. An automated system like this enables users to report the overall health status of assets or export the information through the API to a top-level maintenance tracking system. Get notifications when it is time to clean or replace the measurement pins or calibrate the instruments.

Development costs are significantly lower!
Our company has built in WATS as an integral part of our testing process, which also plays a significant role in helping to drive down costs and boost efficiency.

Henrik UlfhielmNovator Solutions, CEO

Time for maintenance?

Is the test station itself aware of its status so that it can inform the test operator how many tests run he has left before he needs to pause for maintenance? This is exactly what the Asset Management Module in WATS lets you do.

UUT Reports

WATS Asset Manager utilizes UUT reports to provide detailed test results for each unit. These reports, essential for accurate analysis, are seamlessly integrated and processed by WATS, ensuring high-quality data for all your testing needs. WATS can consume these reports in numerous formats and methods.

Define Test Assets and maintenance intervals

You can easily define Test Assets with all their sub-components and maintenance intervals. And use WATS to report the overall health status of your assets or export the information through an API to a top-level maintenance tracking system.

WEBINAR: Asset Management

Are you having trouble managing your test equipment effectively? Discover how you can streamline the asset management process. This webinar will provide you with valuable insights on time and resource-saving techniques, while also improving the reliability of your test equipment. Take advantage of this opportunity to manage your equipment and prevent costly downtime and quality issues. Don’t miss this chance to take control of your test equipment.

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