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WATS Software Distribution

With WATS Software Distribution you can organize, distribute and install any software to any test station anywhere in the world. With our Built-in Revision Management and release stages you can automate and fine-tune your software distribution.

Centralized and automated software distribution  

Release and distribute updated test software to any test station by clicking a button. And avoid the pitfalls of manual installation processes with WATS Software Distribution. Maintain multiple resources in one central location and make sure that the correct software is enforced and consistently used.

Getting started with Software Distribution

WATS Software Distribution allows you to manage test software (or any other software) running on your test machines. Using the WATS Web Application you can create, manage and release software packages from your WATS cloud. The software can then be downloaded and installed on your clients, based on attributes and tags specified. Learn more in our support section.

Learn more about WATS Software Distribution

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Manual Inspection

Software Distribution

Repair & analytics

Test Data Analytics

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